projets internationaux Sol Terminé

Les Séminaires MiDi : Recent advances to promote the adoption of agroecological practices for sustainable agricultural systems

Suite à l’API MiDi lancé au printemps 2023 et au financement « MiDi évènement », les bénéficiaires de ces financements et le RTR MiDi proposent une série de séminaires ouverts aux membres du réseau. Le premier séminaire de cette série aura lieu le 11 Octobre 2023 en salle polyvalente de la MSH de Tours. Nous accueillerons Mauricio Gonzalez-Chang, chercheur à l’Université Australe du Chili.


Résumé :

Agroecology is considered a scientific discipline that studies biological interactions in agricultural systems, a set of practices empirically developed by farmers, a social movement promoting food sovereignty, and a political view to reshape food systems. Recent advances in biodiversity-function relationships give interesting insights that help the understanding of adding functional biodiversity on multiple ecosystem services in farms at both small and large scales. Despite this, the adoption of agroecological practices worldwide has been slow due to the different socio-ecological dynamics occurring in a particular landscape. By exploring a transdisciplinary approach, a tailored adoption strategy can be disseminated throughout farmers using participatory dynamics (e.g., Campesino a Campesino movement) that promote trust, empowerment, and leadership. However, such an approach requires locally validated agroecological practices that should be jointly created (if culturally missed) by farmers, scientists, and enthusiasts.

Les séminaires MiDi sont libres d’accès et gratuits.