
Journée annuelle du réseau MiDi – 29 mars 2022

Journée annuelle du réseau MiDi
29 mars 2022, 9h30-17h

Lieu : MOBE (Muséum d’Orléans pour la Biodiversité et l’Environnement), Orléans (à deux pas de la Gare).

Le réseau MiDi a organisé sa journée annuelle le 29 mars 2022, dans les locaux du Muséum d’Orléans pour la Biodiversité et l’Environnement (MOBE). Au cours de cette journée annuelle, nous avons eu l’occasion de discuter des activités, et actions menées en 2021 et au début de l’année 2022 mais aussi de l’avenir du réseau et de sa prolongation d’un an du réseau MiDi dans sa forme actuelle. 

Lors de cet évènement nos partenaires non académiques (MOBE, CBNBP) ont été mis en avant ainsi que l’ARD Sycomore et l’action « Micropolluants » portées par Florian Guillou. Une visite du MOBE a eu lieu et a été animée par la conservatrice du MOBE, Laure Danilo. La visite a été appréciée par les présents qui ont découvrent ou redécouvrent le muséum qui venait de rouvrir après travaux.

Le programme de la journée :


Journée Scientifique sur les Micropolluants – 22 Février 2022

Les micropolluants

Florian Guillou et le réseau MiDi ont organisé une journée scientifique sur les « micropolluants », les impacts sur la santé et l’environnement.

Trois grandes thématiques ont été abordées :

  • Modes d’action, Impact sur la santé et l’environnement.
  • Réglementations (et autres approches SHS).
  • Mesures, détections et cycles de vie des micropolluants (dont perturbateurs endocriniens) dans les milieux. Réduction et élimination des micropolluants de l’environnement.

La journée était en présentiel combinant présentation de travaux de recherche et débat. Elle a rassemblé une vingtaine de personnes.

Lieu : INSA Centre Val de Loire, Département Ecole de la Nature et du Paysage, 3 rue de la
Chocolaterie (Salle de conférence, deuxième étage), 41 000 Blois (Quartier de la gare,
moins de 5 mn de la gare SNCF)


Forêt Terminé

IUFRO on Pine Wilt Disease 2021

En partenariat avec le réseau MiDi, ce symposium est organisé dans le cadre de l’IUFRO (Union Internationale des Instituts de Recherches Forestières), un réseau mondial consacré à la recherche forestière.

Le nématode du pin : un organisme invasif qui menace les pins en France et en Europe
Un organisme invasif originaire d’Amérique du Nord

Le nématode du pin, Bursaphelenchus xylophilus, est un ver microscopique qui peut faire dépérir les pins en quelques semaines seulement. Il est originaire d’Amérique du Nord, où il ne cause pas de dégâts majeurs. En revanche, il a été introduit en Asie : au Japon (détecté en 1905), en Chine (détecté en 1982), en Corée du Sud (détecté en 1988) et à Taiwan (détecté en 1995). Il s’est vite propagé et cause des dégâts considérables. Plusieurs millions d’arbres sont morts au Japon et en Chine.

Plus récemment, il a été détecté au Portugal en 1999. Malgré les mesures appliquées pour éradiquer et contenir le nématode, il a pu se propager sur une grande partie du Portugal. Des foyers sont apparus en Espagne depuis 2008 et sur l’île portugaise de Madère en 2009. La communauté scientifique s’est largement intéressée à ce nématode, à l’insecte qui le porte et le dissémine en Europe, Monochamus galloprovincialis, ainsi qu’à la susceptibilité des pins. Alors que nos connaissances avancent, il reste encore de nombreuses inconnues, et à l’heure actuelle, aucune mesure n’est trouvée pour arrêter cette propagation.

Un symposium IUFRO sur le nématode du pin organisé en France en 2020

Nous organisons un symposium international sur le nématode du pin en France à Orléans en 2020. Ce symposium fait suite aux symposiums qui se sont tenus au Portugal en 2006, en Chine en 2009, en Allemagne en 2013, en Corée du Sud en 2016, et qui réunissent généralement 100-200 chercheurs. Ces symposiums sont organisés dans le cadre de l’IUFRO (Union Internationale des Instituts de Recherches Forestières), un réseau mondial consacré à la recherche forestière. Ce symposium permettra de diffuser les tout derniers résultats issus des recherches internationales sur le nématode du pin. La France affirmera ainsi sa position de leader dans ces recherches et les acteurs du domaine forestier bénéficieront d’une information privilégiée sur cette menace imminente.

Même si le nématode n’est pas encore présent France, il y a un grand risque qu’il arrive tôt ou tard. En effet, le nématode est présent en Espagne et il pourrait franchir les Pyrénées en contournant la chaîne montagneuse par l’Ouest ou par l’Est. Le massif des Landes de Gascogne, avec ses plantations de pins maritimes, serait l’une des premières zones qui pourraient être fortement impactées. A INRAE Val de Loire (site d’Orléans) et à l’Université d’Orléans, nous nous penchons depuis plusieurs années sur ce problème. Nous sommes un maillon incontournable en modélisation et analyse génétique du vecteur dans les recherches menées en Europe.



INRAE Val de Loire

Unité de recherche de Zoologie forestière
Avenue de la pomme de pin
Orléans (France)

Website :

Université d’Orléans

Avenue du Parc floral
Orléans (France)

Website :

Thematic research network MiDi

Thematic research network
in Centre-Val de Loire Region
for observation and management of natural resources

Website :


Thematic research network EntomoCentre

EntomoCentre, Thematic research network
in Centre-Val de Loire Region
for entomology

Website :



International Union of Forest Research Organizations

Website :


European and Mediterranean Plant Protection Organization
Organisation Européenne et Méditerranéenne pour la Protection des Plantes

Website :

Ministère de l’agriculture et de l’alimentation

DRAAF de la région Centre-Val de Loire, Département de la santé des forêts
Rue du faubourg Bannier
Orléans (France)

Website :

Région Centre-Val de Loire

Hôtel de région
9 rue Saint-Pierre Lentin
Orléans (France)

Website :

Région Centre-Val de Loire

Forêt Terminé

Round of FORESTIA webinars #8

« The physiological basis of tree vulnerability to heat waves »

Dr. Hervé Cochard

INRAE, UCA, UMR-PIAF, Clermont-Ferrand

December 17 at 15h (CET/Paris time)

The International Associated Laboratory FORESTIA starts in 2021 a new round of short seminars aimed at stimulating the scientific comunication among its members, as well as between them and other international laboratories. These seminars are a new opportunity for the FORESTIA scientists to present and discuss their objectives, research work and results on adaptation of forest ecosystems to global changes.

 Seminar #8 by Dr. Hervé Cochard, INRAE, UCA, UMR-PIAF, Clermont-Ferrand


Tree mortality events attributable to heatwave droughts have been increasing globally for several decades and seem to affect all forest ecosystems on the planet. It is feared that this situation will worsen in the future with the increased risk of heatwave and drought predicted by climate models. Understanding the physiological basis of these die-offs can help to identify species or genotypes better adapted to future climatic conditions, but can also improve models for predicting these mortality risks. 

An edaphic drought modifies the hydric and hydraulic functions of a tree, and the more intense the drought, the greater the disturbance. Above a certain intensity, cavitation events can occur in the sap conducting tissue of the tree (xylem), which disrupts the water supply to the canopy. When the cavitation rate exceeds a critical threshold, an irreversible point of hydraulic failure of the xylem is reached, leading to desiccation and death of the branches irrigated by this tissue. The vulnerability of the xylem to cavitation thus appears to be a key physiological process in the mortality of trees exposed to drought. 

Research work in this field currently focuses on the notion of the risk of hydraulic failure incurred by a tree during a drought. This is a more complex notion that integrates not only the intrinsic vulnerability of the xylem to cavitation, but also the degree of water stress the trees are exposed to. This constraint depends on local soil and climatic conditions and the water balance of the stands, but also on the physiological capacity of the trees to control their water status in these extreme drought situations.  This capacity is determined by the water reservoirs stored in the tree, but above all by the minimum residual transpiration of the tree, which will impose its dehydration rate beyond the stomatal regulation point.  The permeability of the leaf cuticles plays a major role in this residual transpiration. It varies greatly from one species to another and, above all, it increases sharply above a critical phase transition temperature, which itself varies from one species to another.  

To assess the risk of hydraulic breakage, it is necessary to integrate all these physiological processes into a model of the tree’s hydric and hydraulic functioning. The SurEau model that we have developed fulfils this objective. It predicts the evolution of the xylem cavitation rate by taking into account the soil and climatic conditions and the physiological characteristics of the tree. The predictions of the model illustrate the key role of xylem vulnerability to cavitation and cuticle loss in the mortality process. In particular, the model predicts a high risk of cavitation when leaf temperature passes the critical phase transition threshold, which may explain the aggravating effect of heat waves. Furthermore, the model predicts a very strong increase in the risk of cavitation with global warming, even taking into account the « fertilising » effect of atmospheric CO2. The genetic variability and phenotypic plasticity of forest species seems too low to limit this risk. 

These round of FORESTIA web seminars will take place Fridays every four weeks, starting on the 4th of June 2021.

>> A new series of seminars planned for 2022 

MiDi is a interdisciplinary Research Thematic Network, focused on biodiversity and habitats and funded by the Centre-Val de Loire Region. The network aims to promote studies in multiple fields of BioGeoSciences and Human and Social Sciences in relation to global changes.

 This conference is organised in partnership with the Le Studium (Institute for Advanced Studies).


Forêt Terminé

Round of FORESTIA webinars #7

Round of FORESTIA web seminars



Dra. Susana N. Marcucci Poltri

IABIMO (UEDD INTA-CONICET), Buenos Aires, Argentina 

November 19 at 15h (CET/Paris time)

The International Associated Laboratory FORESTIA starts in 2021 a new round of short seminars aimed at stimulating the scientific comunication among its members, as well as between them and other international laboratories. These seminars are a new opportunity for the FORESTIA scientists to present and discuss their objectives, research work and results on adaptation of forest ecosystems to global changes.

 Seminar #7 by Dra. Susana N. Marcucci Poltri (IABIMO (UEDD INTA-CONICET)


Our group works on the development and application of different genomic tools to support INTA´s forest and fruit breeding programs distributed throughout Argentina. For eucalypts, we have developed microsatellite markers located in candidate genes related to wood, plant growth and development traits. Recently, we have optimized a protocol for SNP (Single Nucleotide Polymorphism) discovery using ddRADseq strategy which has also been applied in other tree species (plum, peach). Based on leaves transcriptomic experiments, we have collaborated on the generation of novel genomic resources for native tree species of different genus such as Nothofagus, Prosopis and Cedrela.

These genomic tools as well as others publicly available have allowed us to evaluate the genetic diversity of different eucalypts breeding populations (E. grandis, E. dunnii, E. camaldulensis, E. globulus) and clonal seed orchards of pine species (P. taeda, P. caribaea). For clonally propagated fruit trees (such as plum and pecan) we applied these approaches to characterize and look for traceability of plant materials.

We are currently evaluating genomic selection (GS) and association mapping strategies focused on breeding programs of different eucalypts species, in a continuous collaboration with researchers from national and international institutions.

Examples of developed tools and genomic applications will be discussed.

These round of FORESTIA web seminars will take place Fridays every four weeks, starting on the 4th of June 2021.

Free registration on LIA FORESTIA WEBINAR #7 (Registration required to receive the connection link)

> Next seminar on December 17 by Hervé Cochard (INRAE-PIAF, France).

MiDi is a interdisciplinary Research Thematic Network, focused on biodiversity and habitats and funded by the Centre-Val de Loire Region. The network aims to promote studies in multiple fields of BioGeoSciences and Human and Social Sciences in relation to global changes.

 This conference is organised in partnership with the Le Studium (Institute for Advanced Studies).


Forêt Terminé

Round of FORESTIA webinars #6

Round of FORESTIA web seminars


Eulogy of fast growth… up to what costs?

A preliminary recognition before a study of trade-offs of growth heterosis

in hybrid larch.

Luc E. Pâques

INRAE- UMR Biofora Orléans 

October 22 at 15h (CET/Paris time)

The International Associated Laboratory FORESTIA starts in 2021 a new round of short seminars aimed at stimulating the scientific comunication among its members, as well as between them and other international laboratories. These seminars are a new opportunity for the FORESTIA scientists to present and discuss their objectives, research work and results on adaptation of forest ecosystems to global changes.

 Seminar #6 by Luc E. Pâques (INRAE- UMR Biofora Orléans) ,


Breeding and selection for growth has been a main target worldwide since breeding programmes have been initiated in the late fifties. Significant genetic gains have been achieved in most commercial forest tree species with visible impact in the development of the wood industry. Although additional traits related to stem architecture and wood traits – and in some species pests and diseases resistance- have been progressively considered, increase of productivity remains so far, a main driver of tree improvement.

However, the many threats linked to climate changes may deeply shove the ‘wood production breeding paradigm’. Indeed, several signs from forest managers and from scientists in the literature show a shift in concerns with recommendations of planting instead slow growing species to better cope with climate changes. Their belief is that fast growing species might be less tolerant for example to drought than slow growing species.

For a breeder of one of the faster growing conifers in temperate climate (Larix sp), manipulating one of the most powerful breeding strategies (interspecific hybridisation) to enhance growth (heterosis), this evolution of priorities is clearly a source of many questionings.

As a non-expert, we intend as a first step to gather relevant information on trade-offs in plants and trees in particular, which echo with an experimentation we have been conducting since 2013. This experimentation aims to better understand how hybrid vigour in Larix x eurolepis arises, which traits (structural and functional) make the hybrid different from its parents and finally what is the cost of this over-expression of vigour.

These round of FORESTIA web seminars will take place Fridays every four weeks, starting on the 4th of June 2021.

>> Next seminar on November 19  by Susana Marcucci Poltri (INTA – Castelar).

MiDi is a interdisciplinary Research Thematic Network, focused on biodiversity and habitats and funded by the Centre-Val de Loire Region. The network aims to promote studies in multiple fields of BioGeoSciences and Human and Social Sciences in relation to global changes.

 This conference is organised in partnership with the Le Studium (Institute for Advanced Studies).


Forêt Terminé

Round of FORESTIA webinars #5

This FORESTIA seminar was originally scheduled on the 24/09. But exceptionally we had to change the date and transfer it to the 08/10. Please note that the next seminar will take place on the originally scheduled date, 22/10.

Round of FORESTIA web seminars



Dr. María Elena Fernández,

(CONICET-INTA IPADS, LIA Forestia, Tandil, Argentina)

October 8 at 15h (CET/Paris time)

The International Associated Laboratory FORESTIA starts in 2021 a new round of short seminars aimed at stimulating the scientific comunication among its members, as well as between them and other international laboratories. These seminars are a new opportunity for the FORESTIA scientists to present and discuss their objectives, research work and results on adaptation of forest ecosystems to global changes.

 Seminar #5 by María Elena Fernández, (CONICET-INTA IPADS, Tandil, Argentina). 


Eucalyptus is one of the main forestry genus with more than 20 million ha. planted worldwide, in addition to the native forests in Oceania, formed by more than 700 species growing in very diverse environments. Although there is broad knowledge about ecophysiological traits of eucalypts, response to silviculture (of the few planted species) and wood anatomy and technological properties related to industrial uses, we know very little about the relationships between wood anatomy and function in this genus, and their implications for drought resistance. Moreover, the wood of eucalypts is complex, with mostly solitary vessels surrounded and connected to vasicentric tracheids, fiber tracheids and parenchyma cells, all immersed in a matrix of fibers. The hydraulic functioning of this tissue cannot be understood in terms of the current knowledge of wood hydraulic function developed mostly from conifers and broadleaves with grouped vessels. We present our results related to this topic developed from commercial eucalipt plantations in Argentina and Spain; we compare them to recent (and quite opposite) results from native forests in Australia, and we delineate some of the open questions we are exploring to contribute to the adaptive management and genetic improvement of this genus in a framework of climate change.

These round of FORESTIA web seminars will take place Fridays every four weeks, starting on the 4th of June 2021.

MiDi is a interdisciplinary Research Thematic Network, focused on biodiversity and habitats and funded by the Centre-Val de Loire Region. The network aims to promote studies in multiple fields of BioGeoSciences and Human and Social Sciences in relation to global changes.

 This conference is organised in partnership with the Le Studium (Institute for Advanced Studies).

Eau Terminé

Doctoriales en Sciences Sociales de l’Eau

Les Doctoriales des Sciences Sociales de l’Eau (DSSE) sont un évènement à l’échelle francophone existant depuis décembre 2014. Tous les 18 mois, l’ensemble des doctorants et doctorantes francophones qui travaillent sur la thématique de l’eau dans des disciplines comme la géographie, l’ethnologie, l’histoire, l’anthropologie, la sociologie, les sciences politiques … se retrouvent en un lieu afin de se confronter aux regards de chercheurs et d’échanger sur leurs travaux.

Les DSSE 2021 qui se tiendront à Châteauroux du 8 au 10 septembre prochains, font suite à celles de Strasbourg (2014), Montpellier (2016), Nanterre (2017) et Lyon (2019).Initialement prévues à Marrakech en janvier 2021, ces 5èmes DSSE auront lieu en France métropolitaine en raison de la crise sanitaire.



Télécharger le programme prévisionnel détaillé des DSSE 2021 !

Programme DSSE 2021

version 07 septembre


Forêt LIA




The International Associated Laboratory FORESTIA launched in 2023 a third round of seminars aimed at stimulating the scientific communication among its members and other international laboratories.

These seminars are a new opportunity for the FORESTIA scientists to present and discuss their objectives, research work and results on adaptation of forest ecosystems to global changes.


Le laboratoire international associé FORESTIA lance en 2023 une troisième série de séminaires visant à stimuler la communication scientifique entre ses membres, ainsi qu’entre eux et d’autres laboratoires internationaux.

Ces séminaires sont une nouvelle occasion pour les scientifiques de FORESTIA de présenter et de discuter leurs objectifs, leurs travaux de recherche et leurs résultats sur l’adaptation des écosystèmes forestiers aux changements globaux.

Site officiel du LIA FORESTIA : Ici !

  Dates 2023 Speaker Laboratory /Institute Country

March 31

Philippe Rozenberg

INRAE Orléans



April 21

Diego Lopez Lauenstein




May 19

Tatiana Erika Boza Espinoza

Pontifical Catholic University of Peru



June 16

Armando Gómez-Guerrero

Colegio de Postgraduados



September 8

Véronique Jorge

INRAE Orléans



October 6

Gregorio Ángeles-Pérez

Colegio de Postgraduados



November 3

Gabriel Gatica




December 1

Maxime Cailleret

INRAE Aix en Provence


  • LIA FORESTIA 2023 – Seminar #8
    LIA FORESTIA web seminars 2023 SEMINAR # 8 « Effects of drought on the growth, vitality and mortality of Mediterranean forests in South-Eastern France«  Dr. Maxime Cailleret UMR RECOVER , INRAE Aix en Provence, France December 1st, 3pm (CET/Paris time)   Abstract Mediterranean forest ecosystems face increasingly long and frequent drought periods, which affect their functioning… Lire la suite : LIA FORESTIA 2023 – Seminar #8
  • LIA FORESTIA 2023 – Seminar #7
    LIA FORESTIA web seminars 2023 SEMINAR # 7 « Remote sensing applied to forest mortality assessment : the case study of an unprecedented mortality event in mature Pine plantations in Argentina » Dr. Gabriel Gativa CIGEOBIO (Universidad Nacional de San Juan – CONICET) / Forest Ecology Group (Tandil, IPADS Balcarce INTA CONICET) , Argentina November 3rd, 3pm… Lire la suite : LIA FORESTIA 2023 – Seminar #7
  • Les Séminaires MiDi : Webinaire international – Laboratoire International Associé FORESTIA
    Suite à l’API MiDi lancé au printemps 2023 et au financement « MiDi évènement », les bénéficiaires de ces financements et le RTR MiDi proposent une série de séminaires ouverts aux membres du réseau. Le second séminaire de cette série aura lieu le 19 Octobre 2023, à 15h salle, Dominique King à l’INRAE d’Orléans. Ce… Lire la suite : Les Séminaires MiDi : Webinaire international – Laboratoire International Associé FORESTIA
  • LIA FORESTIA 2023 – Seminar #6
    LIA FORESTIA web seminars 2023 SEMINAR # 6 « Community-based forest management in Mexico and climate change mitigation » Pr. Gregorio Ángeles-Pérez Postgrado en Ciencias Forestales, Colegio de Postgraduados, Mexico October 6th, 3pm (CET/Paris time)   Abstract The functional role of forests ecosystems in climate change mitigation is well recognized by fixing atmospheric carbon (C). However, they… Lire la suite : LIA FORESTIA 2023 – Seminar #6
  • LIA FORESTIA 2023 – Seminar #5
    LIA FORESTIA web seminars 2023 SEMINAR # 5 « Drivers of diversity structuration in black poplar (Populus nigra L.) ? » Dr. Véronique Jorge UMR BIOFORA, INRAE/ONF Orléans, France September 8th, 3pm (CET/Paris time)   Abstract Black poplar (Populus nigra L.) is among the tree species having the largest natural distribution in Europe, from West Great Britain… Lire la suite : LIA FORESTIA 2023 – Seminar #5
  • LIA FORESTIA 2023 – Seminar #4
    LIA FORESTIA web seminars 2023 SEMINAR # 4 « How vulnerable are the high mountain forests of Mexico to climate change ? » Dr. Armando Gómez Guerrero Graduate program in Forest Science, Colegio de Postgraduados, Mexico June 16th, 3pm (CET/Paris time)   Abstract The rapid change in the chemical composition of the atmosphere in the last century,… Lire la suite : LIA FORESTIA 2023 – Seminar #4
  • LIA FORESTIA 2023 – Seminar #3
    LIA FORESTIA web seminars 2023 SEMINAR # 3 « High Andean Forests: challenges and opportunities » Tatiana Boza Espinoza Institute for Nature, Earth, and Energy (INTE), Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú May 19th, 3pm (CET/Paris time)   Abstract High Andean forests are biodiversity hotspots that play an important role in the provisioning of vital ecosystem services such… Lire la suite : LIA FORESTIA 2023 – Seminar #3
  • LIA FORESTIA 2023 – Seminar #2
    LIA FORESTIA web seminars 2023 SEMINAR # 2 « Drought stress tolerance strategies of Prosopis alba, a key specie from « Gran Chaco Americano »  Diego López Lauenstein, Institute of Plant Physiology and Plant Genetic Resources of INTA, Córdoba, Argentina  April 21st, 3pm (CET/Paris time)   Abstract Drought is one of the major abiotic stresses that restrict terrestrial plant… Lire la suite : LIA FORESTIA 2023 – Seminar #2
  • LIA FORESTIA 2023 – Seminar #1
    LIA FORESTIA web seminars 2023 SEMINAR # 1 « Adaptation of Forests and Agroforests to Climate Change: A new large-scale, long-term, global international initiative«  Philippe Rozenberg, INRAE Val de Loire, Orléans, France March 31st, 3pm (CET/Paris time)   Abstract The INRAE International Priority Program “Adaptation of Forests and Agroforests to Climate Change” is a new large-scale, long-term,… Lire la suite : LIA FORESTIA 2023 – Seminar #1
Forêt Terminé

Round of FORESTIA webinars #4